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How to Put Your Best Foot Forward: Legal Web Design Tips for Your Firm

October, 03 2017
Article by
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Jo Stephens
legal web design

How to Make a Great Law Firm Website: Things You Need to Know

Your website is often the first thing that prospective clients see about your law firm. A great website starts to sell your legal services, while an unprofessional attorney website design can leave your phones suspiciously silent. Here are some tips for making a great law firm website:

Sell yourself

Contacting an attorney can be intimidating, so you need a website that appears friendly. Your attorney website design should have photos of your legal team that are both professional and inviting. Include information about your team’s professional experiences as well as their personal interests. This helps you establish a rapport with your clients before they even walk in the door.

A clear call to action

Ultimately, you want your clients to make an appointment. Your website needs to make it clear that they’re welcome to call you if they have a legal problem. The website should also clearly show how to contact you. Your phone number should be visible in a font that’s easy to read. You should also have an email on your website in a location that people can find quickly.

Spell out your practice areas

It’s important to communicate clearly what types of cases your law office handles. When you’re in the busy legal industry, you don’t want to spend a lot of time answering phone calls from people looking for the wrong kinds of legal services. Law firm web designs that clearly spell out what types of cases you handle can make sure that you have the right potential clients calling your offices.

Work with a professional team

Above all, your legal website needs to look professional. You want to show that you go the extra mile to do good work, whether it’s making a website or representing clients. Working with Law Firm Sites can help you ensure that your website appears modern and professional. Law Firm Sites has the skills and experience to take your site to the next level. If you’re a law firm that wants an outstanding, professional and unique website, we invite you to contact us today.

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